Sometimes life is bittersweet. As I was sorting through some of my pics tonight, trying to get somewhat organized I came across this sweet picture of Dallin, and Kate. Dallin is my sweetheart. He has always remembered to kiss me when saying goodbye. He is the one to always give me a hug and say I love you.... just because. He's always checking on me to make sure I'm happy, flashing me that darling grin of his, dimples and all., as we were leaving the swimming pool, for the first time in my life as a mother I had a child tell me he hated me, and yes it was Dallin. I was shocked. All over a stinkin' snow cone that I said no to. I just couldn't take the whining and complaining anymore, and so I said no. When I heard that word fly, I couldn't help it... I started to cry. Hence the bitter part of life.
After a long drive home in silence, a bucket of weeds to pull for each of them (for the whining and complaining), and lots of apologies (Dallin had lots of remorse and I'm pretty sure.... regret), the night ended with kindness, no fighting, I love you's, and happiness. Life is least for tonight.