Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I'm trying to be selective in the pics I post....... there were just so many of them, and because I don't have much time to scrapbook anymore this is a good way to preserve our memories for now:).

One of my favorite statues at the women's gardens.

The Mississippi river

Pioneer games in the park

What a beautiful temple......too bad the walk by photographer cut out half of it:(.
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1 comment:

Gigi's Thimble said...

That looks so fun!!! I love the picture of all the kids asleep in the car. So funny! Looks like a great time full of lots of memories. I've never seen any of those sites, so I'm a little envious of all the fun you guys were able to have with each other. One of these days we'll take a trip again! Anyways. I need to scrap too. Let's plan something sometime. A scrapbooking weekend or something!?!