Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Sometimes life is bittersweet. As I was sorting through some of my pics tonight, trying to get somewhat organized I came across this sweet picture of Dallin, and Kate. Dallin is my sweetheart. He has always remembered to kiss me when saying goodbye. He is the one to always give me a hug and say I love you.... just because. He's always checking on me to make sure I'm happy, flashing me that darling grin of his, dimples and all., as we were leaving the swimming pool, for the first time in my life as a mother I had a child tell me he hated me, and yes it was Dallin. I was shocked. All over a stinkin' snow cone that I said no to. I just couldn't take the whining and complaining anymore, and so I said no. When I heard that word fly, I couldn't help it... I started to cry. Hence the bitter part of life.

After a long drive home in silence, a bucket of weeds to pull for each of them (for the whining and complaining), and lots of apologies (Dallin had lots of remorse and I'm pretty sure.... regret), the night ended with kindness, no fighting, I love you's, and happiness. Life is least for tonight.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Eye woes

So, a while back I had mentioned that my eyes had become hypersensitive to contacts :(, hence the lovely glasses I have had to wear for the last few months. Kate had gotten a hold of those things one to many times and Scott had to work his magic over and over to fix them. They have some sort of metal post in the middle Scott drilled in just to get them to stay together, supported by lots and lots of super glue (My husband is pretty handy). Anyways, we decided Lasik would be the next more contacts and no more glasses! Pretty exciting, right? I was thrilled.
To make a long story short, I went through with the procedure, endured the scariness of it all, wore the ugly goggles afterwards, religously used the gazillion eyedrops they prescribe only to have to go and do it again. Yes, I am discouraged. For some reason my eyes were overcorrected, and now I am having eye strain issues, focusing issues, and headaches. I traded in my glasses, only to get other woes. I apologize for the vent, but I was hoping I'd be blogging about perfect eyes, but for now I'll have to look forward to sharing that in another few months or so:).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Strawberry Jam

Mmmmmmm..........Gotta love strawberry season!

Halle enjoyed herself thoroughly mashing up those berries, and got quite carried away at times.

We recruited Kellie, Brook, and Kaylie to join us. Some pretty cute little domestic divas!

We got quite a bit of jam done that night and had a great time doing so. I swear by the Ball packet for making jam (my mom's wonderful find). 4 cups of strawberrys, 1.5 cups sugar, add packet and stir for 3 min. and walla......Strawberry Jam. See even I can do it:).
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Why I am posting this awful picture of myself is beyond me. It just might explain what happens when I stay up until 2:00 in the morning sewing. :) Amber planned a fun getaway, and Keri inspired me to do yet another project. It's always so much fun to be with my friends, we don't get to do it often because of our little families, but I'm always so happy when we get to. Thanks Amber, again!

Keri and Amber sporting their projects. Keri sewed a couple of cute shirts for Lily, and Ambs started working on another darling quilt.

And Ta Da! I made a dress for Kate. Unbelievable.
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Halle's Dance Recital

Papa and Grammy Cox are always supportive. Thank you for being there:)

Halle is growing to quickly, I wish I could just push pause to these years. She blesses our lives in so many ways.

Halle is a beautiful little dancer. She really has a lot of talent. We are so proud of her hard work.
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Happy BDay Sweetie

One year older, and wiser too.......
Scott celebrated his......, well maybe we're starting to get to old to share that info :) We did have a good time enjoying dinner at Chili's, and a late night movie, Star Trek.

I hope all your wishes come true.... I love you!!
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Cowgirl Kate

"I wanna be a Cowgirl......."

I couldn't resist posting these. Everyday we find Kate sporting a different look with various types of shoes. She is always trying on someone elses shoes running around. Today well......the pictures speak for themselves.

I must say, she makes a darling cowgirl!

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Monkey Pops

Our Sweet Grandpa and Grandma Ross are serving in Nauvoo. Boy, do we miss them. Before they left, they purchased this fun cook book for us to have fun with.

The kids were having sleepovers with cousins, and Halle had Blakeley spend the night.

Everyone was a little wired, having a great time!
Thanks for the fun cookbook, G&G Ross. We've found quite a few fun recipes.

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