Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January at a Glance

So...... Scott's working late. He does that a lot lately. I miss him when he's gone. The kids are full of energy, hence the house is falling apart around me, so I thought maybe I should catch up on January.... to escape for a little bit :).

Dallin turned 6!!! I neglected to blog a birthday post. Hopefully the fun birthday party will make up for that. This was his first "friend birthday party" he talked about it everyday for a week. Dallin loves being a kid. He is always making us laugh, and says the funniest things. We love you Dallin!

Birthday party for Kate and Dallin with the fam. Kayleen and the kids came to visit. I think we're outgrowing my family room.

Matt's other front tooth finally fell out. I love this stage. So Cute!

So.... while I was gone to Skyler's drill competition Scott was in charge. Hmmmmmm.... He says she was only gone for a couple of minutes. She's pretty quick to have gotten into my makeup, smear vaseline all over her hair, the counter, and all over my makeup bag - inside and out. My eyelash curler stuck to my eyelashes the next day because of all of the vaseline. Kate's either super fast or Scott's concept of time is a little off :) He did manage to grab the camera, and capture yet another one of Kate's mischevious deeds. Thanks honey, I'll forgive the vaseline coated blush brush this time.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I am loving this chandelier from PB. Scott thinks it might be to fancy for my kitchen. I still want it!!!

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kate's 2!!!

My baby is 2. Unbelievable. She is such a joy, and I love her to death. Today I thought taking pictures of our day would be a good way to spend it together, and I was going to do my best to let her do as she pleased - lightening up a little :). So here are a few of our happenings today.

Breakfast. Kate's not to sure about the candle in her pancake.

She loves to color, especially on walls.

Choclate Chips. The perfect, and might I say healthy, after nap snack.

Mmmmm. Spaghetti. It was especially nice in my hair when she decided to throw it while I was cleaning up her leftovers.
She thinks it's fun to move the kitchen chairs around.
Storytime. (Notice the 2nd pair of jammy's, Kate thought that playing in not just one, but two of the toilets would be fun, and no this is not what I mean by lightening up.)
It was a fun day. She is so busy. I wouldn't want it any other way. Happy Birthday Sweety.
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Night Out

Enjoying some queso, chips, and molten choclate cakes after a night at the temple with the family. Life is good.
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More Snipits

A few more Christmas pics.

Santa wraps the hallway. I think to prevent peeking :).

Kate Loves her Daddy.

Grandma Ross has been making sweet doll clothes for Halle. Thank you!! The clothes are darling.

Showcasing their Hot Wheels.

December Happenings

Here we are January 7th, and I am still trying to figure out what happened to December. This Christmas was definately the busiest yet for our family. As the kids get older there seems to be so much more going on, hence the projects and crafts get set aside. I hope to start earlier next year, wait I think I say that every year, keep trying and then try again :).

Some highlights were:

01. Polar Express - Mom's Birthday
02. Trip to Logan to see the Skinlo's and the Gibbs - Matt's begging for a snowboard now
03. Snow, Snow, and more Snow
04. X-rays on Kate's leg Christmas Eve, thankfully just a bone bruise - she still limps - love those playlands
05. Gibbs coming to visit - our children love, love, love their Aunts and Uncles
06. School programs and parties
07. Breakfast with best friends
08. Friends, Food, Fun, and Fireworks New Year's Eve
09. Christmas Day - I love my family

What a wonderful holiday!

Dad's face rocks!

My two babes!

The cousins!

More cousins!!

Last, but not least, our great family on Christmas Eve.